Understanding BQ – Body Intelligence

Most of us are familiar with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) in relation to general intelligence and emotional intelligence. However, I was recently fascinated in hearing Diana Chapman (see link below) talk on BQ (Body Quotient).

In this blog, I outline what BQ is and how we can add it to our armoury to complement our IQ & EQ.

We all understand that our body is constantly communicating with us. But we don’t always think about analysing and interpreting these messages.

BQ is about becoming increasingly aware of the body and the messages we receive from it. These messages may result in severe, moderate or mild reactions to situations faced by you. They may be mental, emotional, or physical or a combination of several. But fundamentally I believe it is a feeling in your gut.

The best personal example I can think of is in relation to commitments.

In relation to commitments, I may get a proposal of an engagement, a project or activity. While I’m considering committing to this, a feeling that I don’t want to do this pervades. I can’t always articulate why I don’t wish to commit, but the feeling or thought resides deep within me.

What is happening here?

Typically, what is happening is that your body is sending you subconscious messages that you don’t feel comfortable with this person or commitment. It is sending you messages that something is not right here.

You don’t even have to understand it.

You feel it.

Derek Sivers of CD Baby says if the answer isn’t ‘Hell Yeah” it’s “Hell No’.

That’s one way to listen to your BQ.

Your gut instincts have served you well to date, so why not dial in and continue to deeply listen?

To really tune in to your BQ, you must quiet yourself and ask questions around the messaging as if you were a third person asking you the questions. Stilling yourself, closing your eyes and asking yourself a series of questions as to whether these fears, concerns or uncertainties are real or perceived is helpful.

But at a holistic level, I love the idea of strategically and consciously adding BQ to complement your IQ & EQ capabilities.

I challenge you to tune in to these feelings and messages from your body more intently.


Review what underlying messages your body is sending you.

Consider BQ in decision-making.

Incorporate BQ into meditation or journaling.

Trust your BQ.

It is the oldest intelligence, dating back millions of years to stone age times.

And it might just be the most pure and powerful.

Listen to your body.

Use BQ as a new power.

A great resource for hearing more on this is Diana Chapman’s interview on The Tim Ferriss Show podcast here https://tim.blog/2021/10/06/diana-chapman/


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