The Hero’s Journey & The Artist’s Journey

Author Steve Pressfield’s excellent book The Artist’s Journey presents one of life’s most incredible choices to us.

Pressfield outlines the typical path of our first journey, The Hero’s Journey. This journey is our initial career which is typically a planned and unspectacular progression down a ‘proven’ path.

Pressfield then presents us with the paradox of a second journey, The Artist’s Journey. Here the individual feels a pull or yearning towards another path – one quite different and challenging – requiring the individual to step away from the comfort or familiarity of life’s current position.

Let’s challenge ourselves to understand Pressfield’s proposition.

The Hero’s Journey

In the past, life was fundamentally about one primary career with few changes in employer. There wasn’t a focus on self as men and women compliantly fulfilled their stereotypical functions and duties.

Career paths were set in stone from a young adult age and people were expected to conform to the Hero’s Journey of one career evolution over a working life. Having a ‘good job’ and working for a bank or corporation for many years often defined one’s character. Stoicism and a good work ethic were expected to carry you through a career.

This mantra was carried out inter-generationally and provided a powerful affirmation for following a proven career plan. This playbook was dutifully followed by everyone.

Study hard, get an apprenticeship or secure a good job after leaving school. Work hard, stay with one employer and get promoted. Keep doing this for decades and get a gold watch for your service upon retirement.

Individuals that did not follow the playbook were harshly criticized for being foolish and reckless. Just think of how creatives and women, as two primary cohorts, have been historically treated.

With society only supporting the one playbook, it made it easy or even necessary, for the individual to accept the Hero’s Journey throughout their chosen career. 

The Artist’s Journey

The Artist’s Journey emerged when individuals fed up with following the time-honoured playbook of the Hero’s Journey, started questioning it.

The Artist’s Journey is about challenging ourselves to honour our true calling.

What is ‘the thing’ we want to make our mark in? What is it that our inner-self feels we were born to do?

The Artist’s Journey starts with deep reflection.

Is this as good as life gets?

Am I locked into travelling down this same path indefinitely?

I feel there is a second or even third chapter in my career.

I have a yearning for a different path.

How can I break free of my current state and start a new journey?

What will my family, friends and community think of me changing paths?

Will I be successful in tackling a new career and what happens if I fail?

People are now embarking on the Artist’s Journey in droves.

Fireman becomes Personal Trainer.

Lawyer becomes Comedian.

Tradesman becomes Artist.

Policewoman becomes Tourism Operator.

Banker becomes Baker.

Florist becomes Wedding Celebrant.

The call of the Artist’s Journey is only becoming louder.

With the erosion of many jobs, the expansion of the gig economy and one global village – change is the only certainty throughout our careers.

Whether the Artist’s Journey emerges through our own choice or whether imposed upon us, we are going to see more of it.

The choice between the Hero’s Journey and the Artist’s Journey doesn’t have to be binary.

Of course, an individual is free to continue their Hero’s’ Journey should they wish to. Many individuals still find true satisfaction in one long traditional career. Kudos to them if that is their true calling.

Others may find a hybrid model of a primary career on the Hero’s Journey complimented with a side-hustle Artist’s Journey.

But for many of us, the calling of the Artist’s Journey is an itch we simply cannot resist to scratch.

Our working life is finite, so the opportunity to embark on the Artist’s Journey is appealing to those of us who want to live without regret.

This is not to diminish the worth of the Hero’s Journey, as for most of us outside the truly gifted, we all start our journey down a traditional path. It is the Hero’s Journey that provide our lessons, skills and strengths to have the courage to embark upon the Artist’s Journey. Often, with a safety net to fall back on should we not prosper.

My message is simple.

Challenge yourself to reflect on your Hero’s Journey.

Have you dared to start your Artist’s Journey?

If you have, do you have another chapter in your playbook?

If you haven’t started your Artist’s Journey, what could it be and what is really stopping you from commencing this mighty pilgrimage.

It’s never too late.

Don’t die wondering.

Your journey awaits.


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